ServiceNow Certified System Administrator is a certification which almost every ServiceNow professional would like to do. Below we have shared some of the questions which will help in the ServiceNow CSA exam preparation. We have posted more than 150 questions currently and will also add more questions in future. Study material posted below is not official from ServiceNow, actually these all questions have been collected from those who prepared for the same exam. If you also have questions for the same certification then please feel free to share with us, because we want whatever questions will be shared here will help people to clear ServiceNow Certified System Administrator certification. All the question mentioned below are picked till the year 2020. We will add more questions based on exam criteria and topic of year 2021. We tried that this ServiceNow CSA practice exam for free will help everyone to at least evaluate there preparation before appearing for the certification exam.
ServiceNow CSA Exam Preparation Dump Q&A (1-33):
1. Which application menu is used in capturing and moving changes from one instance to other?
- Update Set
- Import Set
- Change
- None
Answer: Update Set
2. Which type of interface enables you to display multiple performance analytics, reporting and other widgets on a single screen?
- Form
- List
- Dashboard
- Timeline
Answer: Dashboard
3. What do requesters see when they go to the service catalog?
- Homepage
- Record
- Self-service items
- News
Answer: Self-service items
4. User passwords are also brought to the ServiceNow system with LDAP connection.
- True
- False
Answer: False
5. What does the banner frame contain?
- Logo and global navigation control
- Task [task] and configuration item
- Self-service items
- It is one set of table fields
Answer: Logo and global navigation control
6. All workflows absolutely must have a beginning and an end.
- True
- False
Answer: True
7. What are possible import sources? (Select all that Apply)
8. Base table for storing SLA records is?
- task_sla
- contract_sla
- sla
- sla_definition
Answer: task_sla
9. Which of the following are captured in update set (Select all that Apply)
- Group Creation
- Incident Creation
- Field Creation
- Table Creation
Answer: Field Creation Table Creation
10. How do you deactivate an application?
- System diagnostics > upgrade history
- System applications > applications > Open the app record and uncheck the active check box
- The existing record will be updated with the new information
- Click on the pencil icon next to the Application name in the Application Navigator and Uncheck Active
Answer: Click on the pencil icon next to the Application name in the Application Navigator and Uncheck Active
11. Basic Knowledge publishing workflow stages are?
- Start > Process > End
- Created > Reviewed >Deployed
- Draft > Review > Published > Retire
- None
Answer: Draft > Review > Published > Retire
12. What tables can't be deleted?
- Semaphores control the number of user transactions that can be run in parallel. It makes sure there aren't too many things running at once
- Approvals, conditions, notifications, tasks, timers, utilities
- To automate a sequence of activities
- Base tables, e.g., task, cmdb_ci
Answer: Base tables, e.g., task, cmdb_ci
13. Select Correct statements (Select all that Apply)
- Metric is used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of ITSM process
- Metric can gather data as the data is updated
- Metric measures data over time to show past history
- Metric definition provides a declarative way of defining metrics and once defined, the data for the metric is gathered and occurrences of the metric are calculated and stored
Answer: All the above
14. What are the ways to Create CMDB data? (Select all that Apply)
- Import Set
- Discovery
- Manual
- Help the Help Desk
Answer: Import Set Discovery Manual Help the Help Desk
15. How to manage record numbering (like INC0000777)
- None
- System Definition > Number maintenance
- Number field > Number
- System Definition > Numbers
Answer: System Definition > Number maintenance
16. When a workflow is checked out, who do the changes apply to?
Answer: The user who checked out the workflow
17. What are metrics used for?
Answer: Metrices are used to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of IT service management processes
18. How do you create CI relationships?
Answer: Using CI Relationship editor
19. What is related to High Security Plugin in ServiceNow?
- Impersonation feature
- security_admin role for elevated privilege
Answer: security_admin role for elevated privilege
20. Most customizations of system behavior is done using UI policies.
- True
- False
Answer: False
21. Banner Color can be personalized from?
- Not Possible
- Themes section
- Navigation Pane
- Developer Section
Answer: Themes section
22. What do you have to do to edit a workflow?
- Assign roles to groups
- You need to check it out, to prevent errors
- With a reference lookup Icon, think of the caller field, you can look the up
- Create a new table or edit an existing table, create a new application or browse existing application, delete all records from a table
Answer: You need to check it out, to prevent errors
23. What is the search engine used while doing the global search in ServiceNow?
- Zing
- Zenn
- Google Search
Answer: Zing
24. ServiceNow automatically provides numbers for which tables?
- Incident, Problem
- Incident, Change, Knowledge
- Incident, Problem, Request
- All of the above
Answer: All of the above
25. If we make the short description field on incident table as mandatory at the dictionary level?
- Nothing happens
- Short description will be mandated on incident table only
- Short description will be mandated on all the tables which are extending task table
Answer: Short description will be mandated on all the tables which are extending task table
26. What is a Workflow?
- Can manage all form and list Changes
- It's a virtual representation of activities consisting of connected steps planned out in a sequential manner
- It’s a static representation of activities of connected steps planned out in a chronological manner, which cannot be change or modified
- None of the above
Answer: None of the above
27. Agreement between departments to meet service level requirements is?
- None
- UC
Answer: OLA
28. What are the major workflow activities?
- Approvals, Conditions, Notifications
- Approval conditions, Notification, Tasks
- Approvals, Conditions, Notifications, Tasks, Timers, Utilities
- None of the above
Answer: Approvals, Conditions, Notifications, Tasks, Timers, Utilities
29. Which term best describes something that is created, has worked performed upon it, and is eventually moved to a state of closed?
- Report
- Workflow
- Event
- Task
Answer: Task
30. Which of the following statement describes the purpose of an Order Guide?
- Order Guides restrict the number of items in an order to only one item per request
- Order Guide provide a list of guidelines for Administrators on how to set up item variables
- Order Guide provide the ability to order multiple, related items as one request
- Order Guides take the user directly to the checkout without prompting for information
Answer: Order Guide provide the ability to order multiple, related items as one request
31. Which one of the following statements describes the contents of the Configuration Management Database (CMDB)?
- The CMDB contains data about tangible and intangible business assets
- The CMDB contains the Business Rules that direct the intangible, configurable assets used by a company
- The CMDB archives all Service Management PaaS equipment metadata and usage statistics
- The CMDB contains ITIL process data pertaining to configuration items
Answer: The CMDB contains data about tangible and intangible business assets
32. Which would NOT appear in the History section of the Application Navigator?
- Records
- UI Pages
- Lists
- Forms
Answer: UI Pages
33. What does the attachment functionality in a kb article do?
- It will take you to a blank incident form
- Read only data that is not editable on this form
- It provides a choice of adding documents as attachments
- Allow you to attach any other existing record in ServiceNow
Answer: It provides a choice of adding documents as attachments
We have segregated all the questions in different parts, please find rest of the questions in below link for ServiceNow CSA Practice Exam for Free:
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (1-33) - Part 1
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (34-68) - Part 2
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (69-100) - Part 3
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (101-130) - Part 4
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (131-160) - Part 5
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (34-68) - Part 2
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (69-100) - Part 3
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (101-130) - Part 4
ServiceNow CSA Preparation Dump Q&A (131-160) - Part 5
If you want you can also refer below link for Practice System Administrator Exam:
As we have mentioned above add more question to above dump related to ServiceNow CSA Exam 2021. If you are not satisfied with any of the answer mentioned above then please do comment in below comment box or you can contact us. We will view the same and if required correction then will do the same. We have tried our best to post all those questions for ServiceNow CSA Exam preparation, which will help you to clear ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Exam to some extent. You can also find lots of ServiceNow concepts in this website and can also comment below for any required topics.
Thanks for the good data.
ReplyDeleteand I have a question.
Are there any errors in this dump?
Thank you so much excellent questions
ReplyDeleteAnswer given for Question 32 is not correct I guess.. UI Pages does appear in History. Can you please confirm?
ReplyDeleteI think the answer should be forms
DeleteUI pages open via button on the form are not listed in history tab. Only one open for development is.
DeleteNo.. UI pages is the correct answer
Deleteis all the questions provided here are exactly same which comes in CSA exam?
ReplyDeleteYou wish!
DeleteQ.27 Agreement between departments to meet service level requirements is?
ReplyDeleteare having different answers in EXam and Dumo QA
it's ola and with external agreements is sla